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Long-term effects of rotational prescribed burning and low-intensity sheep grazing on blanket-bog plant communities




1. The importance of peatlands is being increasingly recognized internationally for both the conservation of biodiversity and the provision of ecosystem services; strategies are being developed world-wide to help maintain their integrity. Prescribed burning has been highlighted as a threat with considerable debate over its use as it is perceived to produce a Calluna vulgaris monoculture and a decline in preferred peat-forming species.\ud2. We investigated the impact of prescribed burning on vegetation composition and diversity in a long-term experiment at Moor House NNR in northern England. The study comprised a comparison between no-burn reference plots last burned in ca. 1924 and an experiment where all plots were burned in 1954/5. Within the experiment, the effects of very light sheep grazing vs. no grazing and three burning rotations (no-burn since 1954/5, repeat-burning at 10- and 20-year intervals) were tested.\ud3. Calluna vulgaris and Hypnum jutlandicum cover and bryophyte species richness increased in the least-disturbed, no-burn reference plots, but bryophyte cover did not. Lichen diversity declined.\ud4. Within the formal experiment, low-intensity sheep grazing had little impact but there were substantive changes produced by the different burning rotations. There was divergence between the burning rotation treatments with the least-disturbed, no-burn treatment changing towards a C. vulgaris–H. jutlandicum community, whereas the most-disturbed 10-year rotation had a much greater abundance of both Eriophorum and Sphagnum spp.\ud5. Synthesis and applications. Our findings suggest that blanket-bog vegetation on peat responds to prescribed burning in a complex manner. Where burn return interval is long (>20 years), C. vulgaris becomes dominant and there was no evidence that preferred peat-forming species (Eriophorum/Sphagnum) increased. Where burn return interval is short (10 years), E. vaginatum/Sphagnum abundance increased. We found no evidence to suggest that prescribed burning was deleterious to the abundance of peat-forming species; indeed, it was found to favour them. These results inform conservation management policy for blanket bogs in the UK and more generally for future wildfire-mitigation strategies on dwarf-shrub-dominated peatlands elsewhere. Some lessons for the management of long-term experimental studies are also discussed.\ud
机译:1.泥炭地在保护生物多样性和提供生态系统服务方面的重要性在国际上日益得到承认;全球范围内都在制定策略以帮助维护其完整性。规定燃烧是一种威胁,对其使用引起了很多争论,因为人们认为燃烧会产生寻常的卡鲁纳单生种,并且导致形成泥炭的物种减少。\ ud2。在英格兰北部的Moor House NNR的一项长期实验中,我们调查了规定燃烧对植被组成和多样性的影响。这项研究包括了最后一次在约2000年燃烧的未燃烧参考地块之间的比较。 1924年,以及1954/5年烧毁所有地块的实验。在实验中,测试了极轻度放牧绵羊与不放牧绵羊和三个燃烧轮次(自1954/5开始不燃烧,以10年和20年为间隔重复燃烧)的效果。在不受干扰最少,不燃烧的参考样地中,寻常菜的愈伤组织和Hypnum jutlandicum的覆盖度和苔藓植物的物种丰富度增加了,而苔藓植物的覆盖度却没有增加。地衣多样性下降。\ ud4。在正式的实验中,低强度绵羊放牧影响不大,但是不同的燃烧轮换产生了实质性的变化。燃烧旋转处理与最小扰动,无燃烧处理向寻常型梭状芽胞杆菌-H的处理之间存在差异。菊科植物群落,而受干扰最严重的10年轮换期中,大麦草和泥炭藓的丰度都更大。综合与应用。我们的发现表明,泥炭上的沼泽沼泽植被以复杂的方式响应规定的燃烧。在烧伤返回间隔很长(> 20年)的地方,寻常型梭状芽胞杆菌占主导地位,没有证据表明首选的泥炭形成物种(草皮/泥炭藓)增加了。如果烧伤恢复间隔很短(10年),阴道大肠杆菌/泥炭藓的丰度就会增加。我们没有发现证据表明规定的燃烧对形成泥炭的物种有害。确实,人们发现它对他们有利。这些结果为英国毯式沼泽的保护管理政策提供了依据,更普遍的情况是,为其他地方以矮灌木为主的泥炭地的未来野火缓解策略提供了依据。还讨论了一些有关长期实验研究管理的课程。\ ud



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